DeeLuxe Travels

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K’Gari Holidays - your Paradise!

K’gari - is derived from aboriginal wording, which translates to Paradise.

K’gari is located off the eastern coast of Australia in the state of Queensland. It is situated approximately 250 kilometers (155 miles) north of the city of Brisbane. K’gari (formerly known as Fraser Island) is the largest sand island in the world and is known for its diverse ecosystems, including rainforests, freshwater lakes, and long uninterrupted white sandy beaches. A holiday on K’gari is truly paradise!

Lake McKenzie is an incredibly beautiful fresh water lake in the middle of K’gari

This largest sand island in the world is most definitely a little slice of heaven right here in Queensland! You may be thinking it looks just like the Maldives and to think……we have this right here in the Australian backyard!

The water colour surrounding K’gari is just magic! Taking a dive - out on the Sea Explorer.

Sharing our 4 day itinerary of a quickie adventure! Brisbane to Fraser Island


We were lucky enough to get a Luxury Escapes Deal and ventured off to K’gari for a 4 day getaway. It’s about a 4 hour drive from Brisbane so we broke up the trip by stopping mid-way at Noosa after work. We found this very quaint B&B in the Noosa Hinterland.

A Queenslander with oodles of old world charm with a lovely, accommodating hostess. Highly recommend Cudgerie Homestead. A beautiful outlook over the hinterland.


We took a quick stop in at Hervey Bay - just wanted to show my daughter (Jazz) this charming little place. The Holy Grail for Whale Watching for sure and a must visit in the whale season (starts June each year). We headed to Cody’s Coffee Shack….such a unique, beachy, cute place to stop and get a bite to eat/grab a coffee.


Jazzie ready to board the bus - get this holiday happening!

This time I headed off without Gav and just a girls weekend with my daughter Jazzie. As we checked in, the gentleman joked about our enormous pre-booked itinerary to take in the very most of K’gari! (I am one of those people who needs to make the most of every moment! - Lol! - You?)

We headed down to the mainland reception at River Heads and waited there for the ferry. You do have to pay if you want your vehicle locked up, however very well set up and leaves your vehicle nice and secure whilst you are away.

The weather gods shone upon us. The week prior had been a bit scattered with wind and rain ….and just like that, the beams of sunshine shone through! It was simply perfect.

It’s an easy ride across on the ferry, only about 45 minutes. We just walked on as passengers (all included in our total package price). We were checking into Kingfisher Bay Resort on K’gari. (they are voted in the top 10 for Australian Family Resorts). They took care of all our luggage and organised it to be sent directly to our hotel door. Thank you James! - Lol!!

Superchilled after her massage! Relaxing on one of the many bean bags at the beach


The best thing about a Luxury Escapes Deal is if you are planning to do most of the activities etc, then look closely to see if it is usually included or discounted as part of the deal. I had pre-booked in a massage for Jazzie. Perfect way to start off the trip to feel super relaxed! (was 1/2 price).

Tip - Pre-book activities well in advance of your trip, particularly things like the massage, as booked out quite a bit in advance.


The Sunset Bar, (near the end of the jetty) was the obvious place to head as the day drew to an end. Cocktails in hand, the warmth of the sun, to capture the beauty of the slowly descending sunset. I overheard a gentleman say that he came to this very spot regularly throughout the year, simply to catch what he believed to be the best sunsets in the world.

That’s some recommendation!

It was quite serene, boats sailing by, people walking along the edges of the water, laughter, chatter and clinks of glasses. The sun drifting slowly away and the sounds of the night coming alive.

Watching the sun slowly slip away (at the Sunset Bar)

Food at the Sand and Wood is Delish!! (Kingfisher Bay Resort)


Heading back to our Villa, we got dressed up and headed to the hotel restaurant for dinner, poolside. The restaurants were quite busy - so again my tip is to book early to be sure that you can get in.

Especially for a Saturday night.


An early start to the next day, making sure we ventured out to explore. We headed on the Wallum walk, past the mirror lakes and Wallum Heath, then out onto the beachfront. Jazzie was in search of dingoes! Alas, we didn’t spot even a one - which from what I hear is quite a surprise. (wasn’t quite sure I really wanted to see one!)

Tip! If you do see a dingo, remain still, stand tall with your hands folded across your chest, keep facing the dingo. They need to know that you are the dominant creature. Never, ever feed a dingo. You just need to be sensible around them.


As part of the Luxury Escapes Deal, we headed out on the Sea Explorer to do just that - a bit of sea exploring!

Discovered so much sea life - a must-do.

Dugongs, dolphins, sea turtles, stingrays, multitudes of fish and wild sea birds - we saw it all! (obviously too enamoured to take photo’s as strangely missing from my camera roll!) There is nothing quite like the feel of boating, wind in your face, salt spray and the joy of swimming in the crystal blue waters of the ocean. Simply loved this. Your ultimate sea journey take about 4 hours. Whilst this was included in our experience, would highly recommend to others to join the tour and explore the surrounds of this beautiful island.

We got back as the sun was setting and felt blissfully relaxed by the sun rays and ocean delights. As we came back closer to shore, watched the birds nose diving into the water, fish leaping into the air and sea turtles darting incredibly fast in front of the hull of the boat. Felt almost surreal.


We had a night walking tour booked. We met Annie, our Eco Ranger and knowledgeable tour guide who took us exploring into the night, stopping to taste the wild berries, coaching the scorpions out of their hiding spots, to see the nightly walks of the crabs and watch the sea birds seek shelter. We could hear the frogs croaking, watched ducks wandering the resort pool and shone light into the estuaries to draw the local eels down to greet us. If you are a lover of creatures, this one is for you!

Was such an interesting tour and recommend that you try to get along to all the tours on offer on the island. (Don’t miss the bush tucker and medicine tour!) So much to learn and very interesting.


You will need a 4WD to get around K’gari/hop on a 4WD tour or hire one yourself (2WD is okay for around the Kingfisher Island Resort)

Early to rise the next day as off exploring the very best of K’gari on the full day Beauty Spots tour. Not for the feint hearted, it truly is 4WD territory!

Tip - if you are prone to motion sickness - DO take your tablets BEFORE you get on the bus. It will make it much more enjoyable for you as fairly long stretches of a bumpy ride. I LOVED it!

Jazzie was giggling all the way as felt more like a roller coaster than vehicle, navigating our way through the changing landscapes until we made it out onto the beaches on the eastern side of the island. As we made our way down the beachside, we noticed that there was literally a plane parked right in the heart of 75 Mile Beach.


K’gari is one of the few places in the world whereby the beach is actually a commercial airfield. The pilot jumped on board and offered an opportunity to fly high above the island, capturing its beauty. I volunteered Jazz for the ride! A once in a lifetime opportunity to see the sand island from the heavens above. And what a view!! (Worth every penny). You don’t miss any of your tour, the plane simply lands further up the coastline at the Maheno Wreck - where we were headed anyway. Was such a gloriously beautiful day, weather was pristine.

The beaming smile on Jazzie’s face -


Absolutely bucket list stuff - don’t miss the opportunity to fly over K’gari (Air Fraser)


Next stop, the Maheno Wreck. This makes for beautiful imagery in your photographs. Washed ashore from a cyclone off K’gari in 1935, its rusted remnants remain a popular tourist attraction.

The Maheno Wreck - great photo opportunity!


If you are a regular visitor to K’gari, you will know that Eli Creek is a firm favourite on the list! Crystal clear water flows swiftly along the creek, spilling into the ocean (up to 4 million litres an hour!!!).

Tip: it is clear fresh water, which is a touch on the cool side :) - don’t let that hold you back, beautiful to lounge about, set up a BBQ, or picnic beside the waters. Make sure to take your floatation favourites, as a fun ride down the fast flowing creek! Then back onto the boardwalk to start all over!


I am not sure any photos can actually capture just how beautiful the Pinnacles are in person. Sometimes it is just too difficult to do that. So you will just need to take it from me - is quite beautiful. You need to just see it!


This had to be an absolute highlight. Wanggoolba Creek is a historical and sacred place for the aboriginal women of the Butchulla tribe.

They chose this location to birth their babies as had exceptionally clean water with the cool, lush canopies of the forest overhead as protection.

The boardwalk winds its way along the edge of the creek. It is nature’s canvas and a photographer’s paradise! You certainly feel its spirit as you walk beside the creek.

Central Station (which once was the centre of the forest industry) is home to some of the most gigantic pines. This is also a very popular spot on the island.


This is one of the most popular swimming destinations on K’gari. Actually it is one of the most popular swimming destinations in Australia! Known for its purest, blue waters, it is an inland lake filled with rain water. It is a peaceful, relaxing and picturesque location. The sand is bright white and pristine, a great exfoliant for the skin (we tried it) and an excellent jewellery cleaner!

I am not sure why, but it seemed that everyone appeared reluctant to swim out to the middle or across Lake McKenzie. As it is some of the purest water in the world with high acidic levels, this means that virtually nothing survives in the water. It is the most incredibly perfect natural swimming environment. If you are a confident swimmer, go with a group and swim to the other side - its exhilarating! This is bucket list stuff!

The pristine, white sands of Lake McKenzie make for an excellent exfoliant and jewellery cleaner!

The Beauty Spots Tour is a full day tour (Coordinated through Kingfisher Bay Resort). Stops are made at Eurong Resort for lunch. (Eurong Resort is the Sister resort to Kingfisher Bay Resort). This tour was a thrilling highlight for us.

Whether you are a leisure seeker or an adventure seeker, this tour is for you! Make sure this one is not missed.


Getting to the Mangroves is an easy walk from Kingfisher Bay Resort

On the last morning, we moved our ferry time to later in the day, so we could discover the mangroves. It is in close proximity walk from Kingfisher Bay Resort.

It was a chance to see the wildlife up close (no dingoes again today!) and the beautiful fauna of the mangrove habitat. If you scooped up the muds and lathered it onto the skin, it served as a wonderful moisturiser.

Tip: Take your Insect Repellant into the Mangroves - the March flies were on the bite!


Yes and No. Our itinerary was full :) We did have some down time, however would have been great to just have an extra day or two to laze by the pool and drink cocktails!!

Tip: If you can stretch it, do as many of the tours on K’gari as you can, however do add a couple of extra days just to chillax!

There are a number of other accommodation options on the island and of course you can camp too. If looking for other options, you can check with to see what’s on offer. Keep in mind though, once past Kingfisher Bay Resort, the rest of the island is only accessible by 4WD.

Flying over the beautiful Lake McKenzie - what a highlight!

I always rate a place on how it makes you feel after you have visited. Four days away felt like a couple of weeks! Really loved the whole experience of Kingfisher Bay Resort and K’gari especially all of the activities that you could do.

Will definitely go back there for my K’gari Holiday! Subscribe to the Kingfisher Bay Resort newsletters to be kept up to date on their offers.

Please leave a comment - is this paradise for you?

Cheers to your adventures!


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Your K’gari Holiday awaits! When are you booking?!